Stenungsund guest harbour
Stenungsund’s guest harbour is strategically located in a favourable position during inclement weather, situated in the northeastern part of the harbour right next to the municipal building and Stenungstorg.
The harbour office opening hours is 7am – 7pm during high season (June 17th – August 18th)
NEWS! We can now offer electric boats to re-charge in our harbour.
Stenungsund’s guest harbour is a popular destination during the holidays. The proximity to shops, services, and entertainment attracts many visitors, both for shorter and longer stays. During events like the Tjörn Runt sailing festival, the harbour is bustling with activity both on board and on land.
In our harbour you can recycle:
– Glass
– Metal
– Paper
– Plastic
– Food waste
Price information
Guest harbour berth per day incl. electricity, water, toilet, and shower:
(Please note that advance booking is not possible.)
September 1st – May 31st: Under 10 metres – 222 SEK, Over 10 metres – 277 SEK
June 1st – August 31st: Under 10 metres – 332 SEK, Over 10 metres – 388 SEK
Side berth at Ångbåtsbryggan without electricity and water:
April 1st – May 31st: Over 12 metres – 277 SEK
Side berth at Ångbåtsbryggan incl toilet/shower excl electricity and water:
June 1st – August 31st: Over 12 metres – 388 SEK
Side berth at Ångbåtsbryggan incl toilet/shower excl electricity and water:
September 1st – October 31st: Over 12 metres – 277 SEK
Side berth at P5-nock including electricity, water, toilet, and shower: 609 SEK
Additional fee for day stay: 0 SEK
Additional fee for day stay with electricity, water, toilet, and shower: 83 SEK
Laundry facility (cost for 5 hours): 83 SEK. During the low season when the guest harbour is not staffed, please contact the harbour office for information/key collection for the laundry facility.
Motorhome parking:
April 1st – October 31st (including electricity, water, toilet, and shower): 277 SEK per day
November 1st – March 31st (including water, electricity, toilet, and shower): 199 SEK per day
We offer a laundry room for guests at a cost of 75 SEK for five hours. Booking can be made through the guest harbour office. During the low season when the guest harbour is unstaffed, please contact the harbour office for information and key collection.
Ankra upp längs Sveriges långa kustlinjer och många insjöstränder!
Sverige är till stora delar omgivet av vatten och har många stora sjöar och vattenvägar. Visste du att du kan korsa landet från östkusten till västkusten via Europas största innanhav, Vänern? En båtsemester i Sverige kan alltså starta i Östersjön och sluta i Skagerack via den vackra Göta kanal. Vattnet är rent och klart och du kan bada överallt. Lägger du till i Stockholm och hälsar på kungen i slottet kan du faktiskt att fiska middagen från kajen i Gamla stan.