Almösunds Marina and guest harbour

Harbour Depth
3 - 5 m
Nautical charts
932 NE
Bathing area
Boat accessories
Boat lift
Bus stop
Electrical outlets
Engine service
Fresh water
Marine fuel station (diesel)
Marine fuel station (petrol)
Recycling station
Suction discharge
Toilet, wheelchair accessible

Welcome to Almösund Marina, home of Marstrand Yachts/Tjörns Yachtservice and a perfect place for all boat lovers!

Almösund Marina is a safe and sheltered marina with around 140 berths, suitable for both large and small boats with a width of 2.5 to 5.5 metres. The harbour is protected by a robust breakwater, which creates a calm and pleasant harbour for all our guests. Our guest harbour extends along the inside and outside of the breakwater, with the possibility of being added alongside. When you see a green sign, you are allowed to use the spaces between the barriers, also on pier B.

Bathing facilities are available in the harbour as there are bathing ladders at the end of several of our piers. There are bathing places on the other side of the bay, on Almön, where there are also nice walking paths.

Within a five-minute walk you will reach Myggenäs Centrum, where you will find a fantastic ICA store, Almö Livs, offering a wide range of fresh fish and delicacies. Enjoy a meal at the restaurant with outdoor seating during the summer. There is also a post office, home furnishings, ATM, hairdresser, pharmacy, medical centre and gym to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Marstrand Yachts/Tjörns Yachtservice offers all types of service work on leisure boats, large and small, as well as winter storage and qualified repairs. Here you will also find Stenborg Powersports, experts in jet skis.

Interested in a mooring?
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about moorings and availability!


Arm, Broadside

Price information

Weeks 23-35:
– Boats < 10 metres: 220 SEK
– Boats 10 – 12 metres: 260 SEK
– Boats 12 – 15 metres: 350 SEK
– Boats 15 – 18 metres: 440 SEK

Other weeks:
– Boats < 10 metres: 180 SEK
– Boats 10 – 12 metres: 220 SEK
– Boats 12 – 15 metres: 310 SEK
– Boats 15 – 18 metres: 370 SEK

Electricity is charged separately.

Payment is made via credit card

Almösunds Marina and guest harbour

Ankra upp längs Sveriges långa kustlinjer och många insjöstränder!

Sverige är till stora delar omgivet av vatten och har många stora sjöar och vattenvägar. Visste du att du kan korsa landet från östkusten till västkusten via Europas största innanhav, Vänern? En båtsemester i Sverige kan alltså starta i Östersjön och sluta i Skagerack via den vackra Göta kanal. Vattnet är rent och klart och du kan bada överallt. Lägger du till i Stockholm och hälsar på kungen i slottet kan du faktiskt att fiska middagen från kajen i Gamla stan.

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