Sandslån guest harbour
Welcome upstream of the Ångerman river to Sandslån! A journey of about 14 NM from The High Coast Bridge, with echoes of history along the shores. Here you will find one of Sweden’s longest fjords, which ends right here at Sandslån and Hammarsbron. There were countless timber logs that were transported down to the timber sorting area in Sandslån. Sawmills and wood industries were present, including the country’s largest sawmill still existing in Bollstabruk. Today, you will find High Coast Box Whisky on the cape opposite the boat club.
A rafting museum is located on the island. Dannero Trotting Track is 1.5 km away. Community services in Nyland are 4 km away. Swimming area 1.5 km away at “Hästagrundet”. Walking trails along the Ångermanälven River shoreline via Flottarvägen, towards Hammarsbron, and “Lilla Trollstigen” to Hästagrundet. Boules court. Bicycle lending. Municipal playground for children a few hundred metres from the island. The boat club rents out canoes. A blacksmith works intermittently in the blacksmith’s shop. A room with 4 beds is available for overnight rental. Guest kitchen. “Styrhytten” is open for coffee, card games, etc. Several outdoor grills. Mast crane. Wheelchair access. The facility is wheelchair accessible except for the sauna. Flottarscenen “the rafting stage” for entertainment on the premises. Laundry room for guests. Graywater/toilet waste disposal for motorhomes/caravans. A raft can be borrowed. Shower with a 5-kronor coin-operated system. Borrow a book from the Guest Kitchen! Toys, Kubbspel. Pick-up-sticks. Dog-friendly area.
Price information
Boat: 100 SEK per day, 20 SEK for electricity. Motorhome: 200 SEK per day, 20 SEK for electricity.
Ankra upp längs Sveriges långa kustlinjer och många insjöstränder!
Sverige är till stora delar omgivet av vatten och har många stora sjöar och vattenvägar. Visste du att du kan korsa landet från östkusten till västkusten via Europas största innanhav, Vänern? En båtsemester i Sverige kan alltså starta i Östersjön och sluta i Skagerack via den vackra Göta kanal. Vattnet är rent och klart och du kan bada överallt. Lägger du till i Stockholm och hälsar på kungen i slottet kan du faktiskt att fiska middagen från kajen i Gamla stan.